Hypoxene 30 pills

EUR 48.00

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Pharmacotherapeutic group: antihypoxant agent


Pharmacodynamics. Hypoxene belongs to the class of antihypoxants and antioxidants that reduce oxygen consumption and increase the body's performance in extreme situations. The drug has an antihypoxic effect by increasing the efficiency of tissue respiration under hypoxic conditions, especially in organs with a high level of metabolism (brain, heart muscle, liver).

Hypoxene provides: a decrease in oxygen consumption during significant physical exertion, an improvement in tissue respiration, a decrease in mental and physical fatigue, and the successful performance of labor-intensive physical operations.

Antihypoxant. The mechanism of action of Hypoxene (Olifen)on cells is to reduce the consumption of oxygen by tissues, its more economical consumption under conditions of hypoxia.

Possessing a high electron exchange capacity due to the polyphenolic structure of the molecule, Hypoxene (Olifen) has a shunting effect at the stage of lactic acid formation from pyruvic acid, forming Acetyl CoA, which is then involved in the tricarboxylic acid cycle. At the molecular level, Hypoxene (Olifen) facilitates tissue respiration under hypoxic conditions due to the ability to directly transfer reduced equivalents to enzyme systems. Hypoxene (Olifen) repeatedly compensates for the lack of ubiquinone under hypoxic conditions, since it contains a large number of functional centers. Thus, Hypoxene (Olifen) compensates for the activity of the mitochondrial respiratory chain in the presence of damage in its parts.

The antioxidant effect of Hypoxene (Olifen) is associated with its polyphenolic structure, which protects the membranes of cells and mitochondria from the destructive effects of free radicals formed during lipid peroxidation (LPO). This pathological process is triggered by extreme physical and psycho-emotional effects on the body.


  • to improve performance in extreme and unfavorable conditions, accompanied by a lack of oxygen (high mountains, Arctic conditions, underwater work, etc.);
  • mental and physical stress, operator activity and other intense loads, accompanied by chronic fatigue and fatigue;
  • in the complex therapy of severe traumatic injuries, blood loss, extensive surgical interventions, respiratory diseases (bronchial asthma, pneumonia, obstructive bronchitis);
  • as part of the complex therapy of stable angina pectoris (prevention of angina attacks), arterial hypertension, chronic heart failure I and II FC according to NYHA.


For adults, use by mouth, before or during meals, with a little water. A single dose for adults is 2 - 4 capsules.

The maximum daily dose used is 12 capsules.

Elimination of hypoxia that develops in extreme conditions: hypoventilation of the lungs, high altitude, underwater work, work in conditions of high temperature, sports: 1 daily dose 30-60 minutes before exercise.

Prolonged intense mental activity, chronic fatigue, reduction of the recovery period after excessive physical exertion, trauma, surgery: ½ daily dose 2 times a day for 2-3 weeks. The courses can be repeated with a break of 1-2 weeks.

Complex treatment of pneumonia: ½ daily dose, 2 times a day, course for 14 days.

Complex treatment of obstructive bronchitis: ½ daily dose 2 times a day - 2 courses of 14 days with an interval of 7 days.

Complex treatment of bronchial asthma: ½ daily dose 2 times a day; courses for 21-30 days with an interval of 10 days.

Complex prevention of stable angina pectoris: ½ daily dose 2 times a day, course 15-30 days with an interval of 10 days.

Complex treatment of hypertension: ½ daily dose, 2 times a day, course for 10 days.

Complex treatment of heart failure: ½ daily dose 2 times a day, course 10-14 days.


  • To eliminate overt symptoms of hypoxia, including shortness of breath, uneven breathing
  • To increase endurance levels and reduce fatigue by optimizing tissue respiration
  • To normalize the pulse and keep it in the optimal / safe zone during physical overstrain, while maintaining a high training pace


  • increasing efficiency while performing muscular work in extreme conditions of competition;
  • prevention and overcoming of the state of chronic fatigue;
  • acceleration of the body's recovery after stress;
  • improvement of peripheral blood flow;
  • economical consumption of oxygen by tissues under conditions of hypoxia;
  • increasing the body's resistance to physical activity.


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