TB500 course for healing ligaments and joints - 1 month

EUR 178.00

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TB 500 is an analogue of an anthropogenic peptide obtained by synthesizing more than forty amino acids.

TB500 – 30mg

TB 500 is an analogue of an anthropogenic peptide obtained by synthesizing more than forty amino acids. This drug is used in cases where rapid repair of tears and wound healing is required. TV 500 is also widely used in medicine: after a heart attack, surgery or injury. Bodybuilders use this remedy extensively to achieve anabolic effects.

Effect of the drug TB500

TB 500 has a powerful regenerative effect, as well as:

  • Accelerates wound healing, has an anabolic effect on the entire muscular system of a person, including the heart muscles;
  • Promotes the appearance of greater elasticity of blood vessels;
  • Stretches connective tissues;
  • Normalizes the performance of the nervous system;
  • Restores ligaments and joints - in combination with other drugs, TB 500 can have a stronger effect;
  • Helps the body produce more testosterone;
  • Activates nutritious ingredients;
  • Helps you gain more flexibility.

The use of TB 500 makes it possible to significantly improve power performance and speed, because today many athletes dream of improving their performance. One of the advantages of the TB 500 is its complete drug-free composition, which allows the athlete to undergo doping control without problems.

TB500 is not able to accelerate the growth of muscle mass and the increase in strength indicators as it is not an anabolic. However, it makes human tissues more sensitive to insulin, which indirectly contributes to the achievement of great results in sports. The price of the TB 500 is quite affordable - it can be used by both beginners and professional athletes.


TB 500 is available in the form of injections - often the drug is prescribed to athletes who have been injured or if it is necessary to restore the working capacity of the heart muscles.

The course reception of peptide TB 500 is as follows: 2 times a week, it is necessary to inject 2000 μg. For example Tuesday and Saturday.

It is necessary to store the drug in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2-8 degrees, preferably dry.

TB 500 side effects and contraindications

In the course of numerous studies, no negative effects of the drug on the body have been identified. TB 500 cannot be detected by doping control because does not contain medicinal substances.

Athletes' impressions of the drug TB 500

The synthesized TB 500 peptide has already been tested by thousands of athletes, who, with their feedback on TB 500, have confirmed the effectiveness of this drug. It has been observed that the best results can be achieved by mixing TB 500 with saline. Before use, it is necessary to remove the plastic cap, after which a syringe filled with saline is inserted into the bottle. It is necessary to wait a certain time so that the drug can completely dissolve. You can order TB 500 right away.


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